As a Christ-Centered community, we must pray for all of our constituents. Spend some time in prayer for our students. Faculty members may want to pray over their class rosters, remembering every student in every class. You might be the only person praying for that student.
Category Archives: North Greenville Univercity
Believers must be disciples who are growing in the faith and modeling a Christian lifestyle before they can effectively pour their lives into others. Therefore, at the core of our mission, we must be disciples who make disciples. With Christ as our example, North Greenville University is Mission-Focused and intentionally insulating the institution from mission drift.
Academically Excellent
Academic excellence is the goal of every institution of higher learning. What sets NGU apart from most institutions of higher learning, is our wholistic approach to education, instilling the biblical faith into every academic pursuit.
Biblically Faithful
NGU represents these unchanging truths to the university family, local churches, and our culture. The university is unapologetically committed to biblical faithfulness.